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About Laura_and_IanM

  • Birthday 11/21/1974

Profile Information

  • City
    leicester/new york
  • Interests
    My wonderful husband, water skiing/ snowskiing, reading, writing, poker, having good times and laughter...

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Our Story
    Ian and I started talking via internet in September of 2004. We were both playing at the same internet poker site. I had just left my husband, and he was just going through his divorce. He was coming to New york in Nov. of 2004 and asked me if I wanted to meet up with him. It wasn't a relationship as of yet, and I just wasnt upto meeting anyone at that point of time due to what I was going through. I didnt want to be hurt again. So we just kept talking and then finally in November, I had bought a ticket to come over to the UK, but I was suppose to be staying with my girlfriend who also played at the same poker site. Two weeks before I was due to come over, she called me and told me I couldnt stay with her because she had cancer. Ian and I had already planned on meeting up while I was over there and when he heard what happened, he told me I could stay with him. By this point in time, we had been talking on the phone and writing letters. I felt no need to be uncomfortable with staying with him. He told me that he couldnt meet me at the airport because he had this huge job that morning that had to get done. My friend Paul (also from the poker site) said that he would pick me up. I got to the airport and I met Paul. He asked me if I would like to get something to eat before he dropped me off at Ians. In my head I was thinking, omg I just want to go see Ian. I said ok of course and as we turned around, there walking towards me was a man in a clown suit!! I knew that man was Ian because he wore the same clown suit to a poker charity do back in Dec of 2005. He had shown me the pics. I ran to him straight away. If you ask Paul about it, he will tell you that he thought we were both going to fall over lol. I knew at that moment that he was the man for me. We have been together ever since. We met up in March of 2005 when he came over to Florida for a wedding. Then I came back over to the UK in May of 2005 and I have been here since. Now I am just waiting ever so patiently (NOT!) for a proposal. I will update when I can lol.Got my proposal on VALENTINES DAY YEYYYYYYYYY!!! Getting married on April 29th at 930 am...Oh GOD I CANT WAIT...

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