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Blaine US Port of Entry Reviews

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Blaine US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
5 Review(s)
Blaine Review #2160. Entry: 2005-07-12



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The officers recognized us both from numerous crossings. Joked they were crashing the wedding, but only if cabbage rolls were provided at the reception. Did not check car contents, or look at cat health records. Took 20 minutes.

EAD stamp offered!!!

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Blaine Review #2296. Entry: 2005-01-31

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Topic: Port of Entry Review

When you have all the right paperwork and your visa, it\'s no problem.

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Blaine Review #3808. Entry: 2005-01-25



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I drove across the US border at Blaine, WA. At the time, they were doing car inspections and harassing just about everyone driving through the PoE. I was visiting friends and staying about a month, so the PoE guard looked at my university student card and passport. The US crossing never stamps Canad... read complete review

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Blaine Review #1104. Entry: 2004-08-25




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I crossed at the same POE every 2nd Friday on the 10:45pm Greyhound. When we finally got married the worst harrassment I got was \"ohh and here we thought you crossed so often to see us\" and \"we were taking bets on how long it would be before you got hitched\"

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Blaine Review #497. Entry: 2004-07-31



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Immigration Officers were very pleasant, looked at the itemized list of belongings in moving van, had a look inside the moving van and processed the paperwork very quickly. I even got a \\\"Welcome to the U.S.\\\"

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